Roma Tre University:
Christian Uva (P.I. – Principal Investigator) is a Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts at the Roma Tre University, where he teaches Italian Cinema and Cinema and Technology and is Scientific Director of the Audiovisual Production Center (CPA). He is also vice-president of the Consulta Universitaria del Cinema (CUC). He is founder and co-director of “Cinema e Storia. Rivista di studi interdisciplinari,” a member of the steering committee of “L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes,” director of the publishing series Cinemaespanso (Bulzoni) and Cinema (Rubbettino) and co-director of the series Il cinema e i film (Carocci). Among his latest publications: Il sistema Pixar (il Mulino, 2017, Premio Limina of the Consulta Universitaria del Cinema), L’ultima spiaggia. Rive e derive del cinema italiano (Marsilio, 2021, Premio Nicolò Lombardo – Efebo d’Oro and Premio Limina of the Consulta Universitaria del Cinema) and Le storie del cinema. Dalle origini al digitale (edited with Vito Zagarrio, Carocci, 2020) and Il cinema d’animazione. Gli scenari contemporanei dal cartoon al videogame (Carocci, 2023).
Stefania Parigi is a Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts at the Roma Tre University since 1999, where she teaches Italian Cinema and Cinema Movements and Authors. Her studies focus mainly on Italian cinema. She has written and edited books on Roberto Rossellini, Cesare Zavattini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Marco Ferreri, Francesco Maselli, and Roberto Benigni. Her most recent volumes include Cinema-Italy (Manchester University Press, 2009) and Neorealismo. Il nuovo cinema del dopoguerra (Marsilio, 2014).
Giacomo Ravesi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts of the Roma Tre University, where he teaches Avant-Garde and Experimental Cinema, Film and Audiovisual Didactics and Film Festivals and Audiovisual Cultures. He is the author of the volumes: Le maschere di Dioniso. Figure del corpo tra arti visive, media e tecnologia (Armando, 2021), L’Atalante. Immagini del desiderio (Mimesis, 2016) e La città delle immagini. Cinema, video, architettura e arti visive (Rubbettino, 2011). For the journal “Imago. Studi di cinema e media,” he edited the monographic issues: Footage Experience. Pratiche del riuso cinematografico e forme del contemporaneo (with Rossella Catanese, 2021) and Il paesaggio nel cinema contemporaneo (with Stefania Parigi, 2014). He has published articles and essays in Italian and international journals and volumes. His prevailing areas of research concern avant-garde and experimental cinema and video, relations between cinema and the visual arts, music video, documentary and contemporary animation cinema.
As a cultural worker, he oversaw the artistic coordination of Visioni Fuori Raccordo Film Festival. He is among the guarantors of AAMOD – Audiovisual Archive of the Workers’ and Democratic Movement and a contributor to Fuorinorma. Nuove forme del cinema italiano (edited by Adriano Aprà). He curates the documentary section of Molisecinema and the review Racconti dal vero, dedicated to contemporary documentary, at Spazio Apollo 11 in Rome. He is a member of the Evaluation Committee of the Piemonte Doc Film Fund – Fondo regionale per il documentario (Film Commission Torino Piemonte) and is a member of the Accademia del Cinema Italiano – Premi David di Donatello, where he is a juror of the Selection Committee for documentary works.
Matteo Santandrea is a Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts of the Roma Tre University. After earning his Ph.D in Cinema and Visual Culture, he worked within the PRIN project Transatlantic Transfers: The Italian Presence in Post-War America, 1949-1972. He teaches at eCampus University and the University of Teramo as a Visiting Professor and is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Cinema e Storia. Rivista di studi interdisciplinari” and “Imago. Studi di cinema e media,” as well as the steering committee of the Palladium Film Festival – CineMaOltre. His study interests mainly focus on the representation of urban space in Italian cinema of the 1970s. On this topic he has participated in national and international conferences and published essays in journals and collected volumes. He is the author of the books È stata Roma. La criminalità capitolina dal “poliziottesco” a Suburra(Rubbettino, 2019) and Paesaggi del crimine. Milano, Roma, Napoli nel crime film italiano: 1966-1980 (Marsilio, 2024).
Vincenzo Altobelli is a research fellow at the University of Roma Tre, where he obtained his PhD in ‘Cinema and Visual Culture’. He teaches ‘History of Television’ and ‘History of Photographic Archives’ at the eCampus University and ‘Screenplay for Audiovisuals’ at the University of Teramo as an adjunct professor. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine ‘Imago. Studi di cinema e media’ and of the steering committee of the Napoli Film Festival and the Ischia Film Festival. His study and research interests range over European film production from an aesthetic, psychoanalytic and social perspective to reconstruct the transformations that have affected contemporary media representations. He has participated in national and international conferences and is the author of the monograph Fammi vedere del male. Il cinema di Michael Haneke (Pendragon, 2023), of essays and articles in specialised journals and collective volumes.
Accademia delle Belle Arti di Roma:
Bruno Di Marino is a historian of the moving image, focusing on audiovisual experimentation since 1989. He holds the chair of Theory and Method of Mass Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he teaches Ethics of Communication and Theory and Analysis of Cinema and Audiovisual. At the same academy he is head of the School of Cinema Photography, Audiovisual. He has directed festivals, retrospectives and reviews and curated numerous exhibitions.Among the volumes he has written or edited are: Animania – 100 anni di esperimenti nel cinema d’animazione (Il Castoro, 1998); L’ultimo fotogramma. I finali del cinema (Editori Riuniti, 2001); Interferenze dello sguardo. La sperimentazione audiovisiva tra analogico e digitale (Bulzoni, 2002); Studio Azzurro – Tracce, sguardi e altri pensieri (Feltrinelli, 2007); Pose in movimento. Fotografia e cinema (Bollati Boringhieri, 2009); Film Oggetto Design – La messa in scena delle cose (PostmediaBooks, 2011); Hard Media – La pornografia nelle arti visive, nel cinema e nel web (Johan & Levi, 2013); Il mouse e la matita. L’animazione italiana contemporanea (Marsilio, 2014); Oltre i bordi dello schermo. Conversazioni con i maestri della sperimentazione (Manifestolibri, 2016); Segni Sogni Suoni. Quarant’anni di videoclip da David Bowie a Lady Gaga (Meltemi, 2018), Nel centro del quadro. Per una teoria dell’arte immersiva (Aesthetica, 2021). His essays have been published in France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, the United States and Hungary.
Film and Audiovisual Archives
National Film Library (Rome)
Bologna Film Library (Bologna)
Cinema Museum of Turin (Turin)
AAMOD – Audiovisual Archive of the Workers and Democratic Movement (Rome)
Musil – Museum of Industry and Labour (Brescia)
Film Festivals
Pesaro Film Festival. International Exhibition of New Cinema (Pesaro)
Associazione Viva Comix – Small Animation Festival (Pordenone)
Ivan Guiducci – IT technician (Roma Tre University)
Joram Marino – ICT consultant for telematic architectures (Roma Tre University)
Chiara Sonnino (Roma Tre University)